Solar Sense is your full package energy assets partner. We design, build, maintain, and/or lease small scale solar farms occupying up to 1 hectare and producing between 100 to 500kw.
Our goal is to create a customer owned national network of solar farms able to supplement the growing energy needs of Aotearoa.
1. We work with land-owners to do the necessary feasibility work from concept design to shovel ready project.

2. We develop land arrangements equitable to all stakeholders.

3. We provide the expertise to build the solar array.   

4. We understand solar asset maintenance and can monitor the asset remotely and organize its the maintenance program to extend its operating life as long as possible.

Keep scrolling or enquire now if you’d like more info on adding a solar array to your land.

What we do

After you get in touch with us, these are the steps we will go through with you.

  • We will check if the site you have available is an appropriate size and location, whether it has or we can add the appropriate infrastructure nearby, determine what lines company we need to involve and various other behind the scenes checks.

  • Once we have all of the information, we will get to work to design the optimal array for your site and price everything up for your approval.

  • Using our team we will install the solar panels and associated hardware. We will then have the site inspected and commissioned by the lines company. We will install our monitoring system for your site.

  • When the site is up and running, we can offer you a fixed power purchase price to give you certainty of a great return. Working with our key partners we will set up contracts to sell your power at very competitive rates.

  • When we install your array, we set every piece of equipment up in our asset management system. We will arrange to have the panels inspected and cleaned at regular intervals, and if there have been any errors with any of the equipment, and our 24/7 monitoring system will notify us of any equipment failures and we will get a technician out to site as quickly as possible to restore operation as quickly as possible.

    The equipment we use is very reliable and high quality, but everything wears out eventually. Our asset managament system will program expected replacement lifecycles and we will report on asset performance overtime so you can budget and make decisions about replacing ageing assets..

Install options

When we install your solar array, there are several different ways we can structure the deal. Click below for more details

  • You own the panels and equipment but we will arrange all of the installation, maintenance and negotiate contracts to sell the power you generate.

    This option has the highest risk but also the highest potential reward as you will receive the revenue from selling the power (minus a small percentage that goes to us)

  • We lease the land from you and install our own equipment. Using our install methods there is no permanent damage to the site.

    This option has the least risk as it is simply us leasing land, but you don’t receive the revenue from selling the power.

  • We can negotiate a deal that starts as land lease only and you buy the array over time. Hybrid options will all be arranged on a case by case basis.

    If you have an alternative idea for an arrangement, let us know! We are open to discussing anything.